Art direction Rodd Whitney

Deliverables Music Catalog

Institution Tyler School of Art and Architecture

Software Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign

Project Summary - A music catalog design movement started in 1950, New Wave or Swiss Punk Typography. New Wave defied strict grid-based arrangement conventions in favor of inconsistent letter spacing, varying type weights, and unexpected alignments.

Challenge and Solution - This is also a bold attempt to use fonts for me. I've always been conservative with type. In this project, I tried to jump outside the box, giving each letter its personality while keeping them in a consistent style. This project is a big challenge for me. In the beginning stage, my work lacks boldness and innovation. But by learning more about this style and studying different examples, I could break myself out of my fixed mindset and allow myself to be more confident in dealing with type.


The Crepe Truck Philly

